Friday, February 29, 2008


So far, in all the rush of doing midterms, I have gotten A's in all 4 I've taken. And Saturday morning is the make-or-break one. Which I will fail because I'm getting cocky.

After the midterm rush, expect a whole gaggle of fun times to be had right here.

I've been waiting a long time to say this:
Happy Leap Day! One year ago today, I was 21. Is your mind blown?

Friday, February 15, 2008

The envelope.

So today is obviously Valentine's Day. And I obviously got Kathryn a card. And since I am obviously a big dumbass, I didn't think to check that the envelope was big enough for the card. It wasn't. And now I'M the jackass.

I had 2 midterms today. It's Concordia's cute little way of saying "We don't want you to feel joy. Fee deadline is coming up. Save your money for that, assholes."

Friday, February 8, 2008


Wow. School this semester is really kicking my ass. It's amazing that when you actually do all of the work and are challenged mentally how draining it is.

If anyone knows me at all, they know a few truths about me. I am lazy. I am a world-class procrastinator. WORLD CLASS. And I generally don't get things done. So about a week ago, I had an epiphany! Sort of.

What happened is I stumbled onto this thing called GTD. It stands for Getting Things Done. And I am sold. It is basically a complete system for organizing your life and it is all very exciting.

There isn't too large a hump for getting your life in line with GTD, but the grand irony is that since starting this, I haven't really blogged. Hence, I am NOT getting things done. Most of my non-school or study time is spent obsessively scouring the odd corners of the internet for any tips or tricks to help me GET THINGS DONE.

"So what else is new in your extremely awesome, things-have-been-gotten-done life, Bebo?" one may ask. I would answer to that person, "Much."

In no order, some things of my world:

- Obama is really awesome and I think he would be voted Prime Minister of Canada with about a 98% margin if he ran up here. Oh wait... he can't speak French. So he'd get like 51%.

- I am in a group this semester that is the exact opposite of my rag-tag gaggle of miscreants from last semester. I enjoy it.

- I am in another group for a different class that consists of me, the worst human being ever whose name is pronounced "A Booty" - aka Badonkadonk, and a tall odd Asian man that NEVER goes to class. I want them to never talk to me again.

- I drink more Perrier than anyone should.

- Lost is back and it is GOOD.

- Every single female that lives on the island of Montreal wears boots. And everyone here kind of talks like Yoda. Whereas I would say, "This soup is good," a Montrealler says, "It's good, the soup." And another thing. I pronounce Montreal as MAHN-tree-all, they pronounce it MUNCH-re-all. I would say that they are correct because it's their city.

I am very sleepy and I have to go to Financial Accounting tomorrow, so I leave you with this quote:

"I'm touching all the candy" - Greased Up Deaf Guy

Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Super Duper Pooper Tuesday!

So as most of you know, today is the big day for the primaries. I voted about a week ago via absentee ballot. I promise promise pinkie swear to post something with a little substance to it very soon (as soon as I get caught up with my homework) but until then, I just wanted to share a thought for the undecided voters amongst us.