Saturday, October 20, 2007

The best and the worst.

So I just wanted to fill everyone in on what I believe to be the best thing about the apartment in which I live as well as the worst thing about said apartment.

This one is pretty easy.

The best thing is that every weekday at about 5 PM, the woman of my dreams walks through the front door.

She is shown here in one of a trio of pictures I call "Bebo fakes he doesn't know how to use a camera and takes really bad pictures."

And now on to the worst thing. From where I am sitting now and sit often throughout the day, this is my view :

Hmm that's a nice little view you have for yourself there Bebo! You got your computer, your headphones for when Kathryn is sleeping, some coffee, and an old Tim Horton's cup in the back. All around just a solid little work area. You are blessed with all your needs right here. Now we just lean back and take a little look around...

Oh what's that? Oh we even have a nice little window. But surely the worst thing about my apartment can't be a window. They are our connection to the outside world. They give us light. We can open them and enjoy the cool breeze. It isn't the window that I fear, so let's dig a little deeper. Let's take a look through the blinds.

Woah what is that little blue thing? You see that in the middle between the blinds? The only way to know what that is, I guess, is to open the blinds and take a daring, middle-of-the-day creepy guy taking pictures out of his window picture. And this is what we see.

OH MY GOD. Our worst fears are realized. That is indeed a wolf blanket. And it has been there since I moved here. Just there. All blue.


Anonymous said...

It is real. I saw it with my own eyes. Keep on blogin.

Mickey Nolan said...

Seems like you live in Le Flete Deaux Garbageville