Monday, December 3, 2007

A funny realization.

So earlier today, Kat and I were having a little discussion about something-or-another, and it dawned on her that I am an immigrant. It was quite funny when she threatened to call the cops on me and have me deported for being a jerk to her. I was faking like I was appalled, but I found it funnier than she did because, frankly, I had never thought of it like that. It is the ultimate trump card for her though.

One possible conversation:

"Bebo, do the recycling." - Kat (even though she would never say this because she is the best)
"Baby I'm so busy doing homework. I'll do it tomorrow or in January. Whichever doesn't come first." - Bebo while watching YouTube video of kid falling off slide for the 40th time
"What's the number for CIC?" - Empowered Kat
"Shall I do the dishes as well?" - Dejected Bebo, concerned for his personal security and safety

It was hilarious. And before you ask, YES she was joking.

My sister is gong to give us just what our family thrives on - a December baby! Unless she's game for waiting it out 4 more weeks.

Oh and finals start this week! Wish me luck everyone. More than that, wish me answers to questions. Specifically in the realm of Critical Business Thinking. And by wish me the answers, I mean tell me the answers.


Anonymous said...

I don't know if I can make it 4 more DAYS!!!

Anonymous said...

Do you wash dishes/do landscaping?