Thursday, December 20, 2007


The snow is finally finished. I hope. I don't have total numbers on how much we got, but it's taller than knee-high, but not quite waist-high. Our car was so packed in from a drift and the plow that the snow was higher than the hood. All you could see was the back window. It was nutty.

I don't have too much to report other than the meteorological status of our island. Being off school is quite nice. I've been catching up on some reading, doing a little painting, donating my time to my favorite philanthropic organizations, and really working on reading for next semester's classes. And in case you didn't actually click on all the links, I'm actually eating, sleeping, shitting, and going on digg. Life is good.

I've also been watching a lot of news and I am really getting psyched about the presidential primaries. If you're wondering who I want to win, I'm rooting for anyone that is black. And if that doesn't happen, my next favorite choice is anyone that is a woman. Hopefully someone fitting those criteria will make it through the primaries. (Obama/Clinton 2008)

One person, however, I really, really hope DOESN'T win is a man named Mike Huckabee. He's running for the Republican nomination. I don't want him to win for many reasons, but here are the top 3.

1. He believes that "Women should submit to their husbands". I'm not going to say anything more than this - that is what everyone thought ONE THOUSAND YEARS AGO. If he were running one thousand years ago for political office, he may be running against David. As in David from the Bible. Not David my brother. Or David my father. David, the King of Israel.

2. Recent presidents haven't had the greatest luck with their children. The current Bush's daughters are drunks and miscreants. George H.W. Bush's son is the worst person since Hitler. Bill had Chelsea and that was Ok. But Mike Huckabee, well his son captured a dog, tortured it, and then murdered it. And then Mike Huckabee covered it all up. I just have one thing to say about this. Hey, Huckabee - Michael Vick called. He was asking if you can do anything for him, too. ZING!

3. Most importantly, this is a picture of his family.

This picture is more powerful than any negative ads his opponents can throw at him. All fat with their stripes. Come on now. LOOK AT THEM!

I can't believe the big bastard in the middle wasn't like, "Jesus dad, you're seriously talking about running for president. THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA! And you're gonna let mom make us take this ridiculous picture? All the people at school will make fun of me! These stripes aren't slimming. Can't we at least wear black? Ok fine. But I'm warning you, if I have to wear this crappy shirt, and take this crappy picture, I'm gonna get back at you by killing a dog. You like that? We'll see what the voters think about that! You think you're gonna be "electable" with that hanging over your head? Asshole. Sexist."


Anonymous said...

4th - the last name Huckabee. 'Nuff said. It'll be like the Family Guy episosde with President Douchebag. "The people have spoken and they want four more years of Douchebag." All the same really :) Go make some snow angels.

Anonymous said...

Which of these fat fucks killed the dog? My votes Corky on the left there. Our left. I don't heart Huckabee, I like the movie "I Heart Huckabees" that shit is funny as fuck. When dude hits dude with that rubber ball... well you're laughing right there.

Anonymous said...

I hope Mr.Rib-Tips wins, that way I can wear my lynard skynard shirt for 4 years.

Anonymous said...

What about Mittens Romney? Everyone loves a Mormon. Tim, do you have about 85 more Skynard shirts for the Romeny clan to take a family picture in?

Anonymous said...


Bennett said...

I think tubby in the middle is the dog killer. He probably gets it from his mother seeing as how shes chocking the dog in the pciture. And whats with the elbow pads on the shirts?

Anonymous said...

I think the mom was holding the dog's head up because the fat one had already broken it before the picture was taken.