As I'm sure you all know, yesterday was a very important day. Among other things, it marked the anniversary of the day that the Bill of Rights took effect, Walt Disney died, and of course, the day that I was born. Yes, I am now a quarter of a century old!
My day went as such - I had a final (of course) and then Kathryn, Tara, and Steph took me downtown to get my drink on! We met up with Johnsy, Jen, Kat, Pookie, and my buddy Rob from school. It was a good time had by all, even when we were frozenly and drunkenly walking through downtown Montreal in search of the falafel place that's open until 4AM. So thank you to everyone who came out last night or called or emailed me to wish me a Happy Birthday. And thanks Mom and Dad for bringing me into this world.
Oh and it snowed like a dirty madman out there today. I'm going to take a picture of it with the sun's help tomorrow. I'll post it here, and then you will see how cold and crappy and soft and delicate snow is. Only then.
I was going to just keep it there and go to bed, but since it's been weeks since I've posted something of substance, I owe you all this. Plus, there is one thing that I've been wanting to blog about for like 3 weeks now, but I keep forgetting. Now's the time. I ain't forgetting anymore.
It all started when I was watching the news (I think it was CNN but it doesn't much matter) and Anne Lennox was on there talking about something or another. What I thought was interesting was how on the screen, it said -
Annie Lennox
Singer/ Musician
I thought to myself, "Why would they have to put that? Doesn't everyone know that she's a singer? Even if they don't know any of her songs, people still know that she's a singer. And if they don't, does that tiny little description do anything to give the viewer a clearer picture of the life and music of Ms. Lennox?" I don't think so, but that sent me down a path that I'm going to guide you all down now. It's an introspective into the art and science of the subtitles they put under people's names on the news.
- Annie Lennox (No Subtitle) Maybe they should just write the name of the person that is being interviewed and not bother with all that silly subtitle business. Unless they are some kind of specialist or someone that nobody would know, don't try and cram a person's life achievements into 2-5 word subtitles.
- Paul McCartney What's the subtitle there? "Paul McCartney - Former Beatle"? Because if you write that, you are basically saying, "We, as a collective organization known as CNN, feel that you all are functioning retards and we must tell you that Sir Paul was in fact, in a band called The Beatles." Or do you put "British Musician" or "& Wings" or "Animal Rights Activist"? Let's take that a little further, shall we?
- Michael Jackson What are we doing here? Following the Paul McCartney formula, it would be "Michael Jackson - Jackson 5". But that's a lllliiiiiittle bit off target, yeah? Do we go with "As creepy as he is now, you can't deny that Thriller was a badass record" or "Child Molester" or worse "Gary, Indiana Native"?
- Me What would I be if I was interviewed on CNN? Would I be the ever popular "Local Man"? Well I guess that depends on the location and nature of the interview. Would I be "Student"? Or maybe, since they were intrusive and mean when they flat out called Michael Jackson a child molester, they'd put under my name "Chubby Man" or even "Isn't as comfortable with his baldness as he wants to be"?
I don't claim to have answers, only questions. But for now, I am claiming to have a serious case of needing some sleep. Goodnight all.
Naturally it would say:
Steven Pilotto, Immigrant.
Happy birfday, god.
Or, if appropriate,
Steven Pilotto, Fat American
Sorry Bebo.
Those made me LOL.
Steven Pilotto
"Brother of David Pilotto"
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