Tuesday, October 30, 2007

The way you do the things you do.

Often times things come along in life that make you adapt. The computer made people everywhere change how they do things. The car did as well. Other times, it is the person that changes and their habits follow them but their way of doing things will change. In my case, I didn't change (much) and the whole world didn't change, but instead my location changed. With this in mind, I want to tell you about some of the things that I do differently now that I live in beautiful Montreal.

- Recycling is different here. You have to sort things. Which for normal people means sort. But for me (since this is kinda one of my chores) this means either

1. We get money for it so put it in the bag:

See that nice little bag on the table filled with stuff you bring back to the store and get money back? All on the table and nice. But with every nice bag, there is an evil-step-sister to its yang. Or yin. Whatever.

2. We don't get money for it so throw it in with the pile of shit that started in the bin and now is on the floor because Bebo's lazy ass won't bring it downstairs. This can be viewed here.

Yeah I should get on that.

-News. This isn't too different, but it's worth noting. I stay very informed on issues with my school, so the only newspapers I read now are about Concordia.

Not really cool or anything but I really like reading these.

-French. Basically everything I use here has English and French on it. And it's amazing at how quickly you get used to it and how much you scan over it. Our toothpaste for example:

Not just Extra Whitening but also Extra Blanchissant. Our phones aren't just cordless, they're cordless/ sans fil. This is the biggest change but also the one I most like. I am proud that I live in a place where there are so many different types of people and there are two predominant languages. And the one thing I've learned about Quebec is that the people don't give a fuck about what the rest of Canada or America thinks of them. The French are proud of their heritage and the English are proud of the diversity.

- Milk. Lait. It is something I consume everyday inside of my cereal. I love cereal. So we would always buy the cartons of milk. They go too fast. So like a true American, I say "Let's get a bigger one! YEEEEE HAAAWWW!!!" Well in Canada, they don't have gallons of milk (because of the metric system) so they have liters. Or as they call them litres. Well a litre is exactly what we've been pounding down over the last few months, so can't we go bigger? Because bigger is better.

This is what we got.

A nice little pitcher with a BAG of milk. It really is a sight to behold. You don't just buy one, though. You buy a bigger bag with four littler bags in it. Can I see the big bag, you ask? Why sure.

BAM! A bag of bags of milk. It's kind of like seeing the gigantic jars of relish and mayonnaise at Sam's Club. Too much. But honestly, it's better for the environment and it's easier to recycle 4 little bags than 1 big ass jug. And they have better things to use milk jugs for in Canada: Sweet Hockey Masks!


Anonymous said...

Tres drĂ´le

Anonymous said...

At least French is a RECOGNIZED second language. I mean "idioma segunda".