Thursday, December 20, 2007

Another funny subtitle.

This is a video that's going around the internet a bit. It's quite freaky, but that's not the reason I'm putting it up here. At about 0:15, you will see just what I'm talking about with the laziness of subtitle writers these days.

Look out, Shakespeare! Watch your back, Poe! Forget, "It was the best of times, it was the worst of times..." because we now have "Paul Karason - Has Blue Skin"!

You, Mr./Mrs. Subtitle Writer, are the Jackson Pollock of subtitles. Where 99% of the world says, "Shit, I could do that if I had enough beer and didn't care about ruining my hardwood floors," that 1% of pretentious art-snobs will "see the genius of your work."

Keep it up, soldier!


Anonymous said...

Am I the only one who would love to see this guy in red tights and a red stocking hat?

Anonymous said...

In the netherlands their santaclause wears black face. This hornswaggler would be huge over there.

I once saw a subtitle that appeared to be the final act of defiance of a local TV stations' subtitle-person. It was about some local politician and some scandal and the subtitle read "what a jerk" or "this dude's an asshole" or something like that.

I also once heard a dude quit his radio DJ gig on the air mid-news report.