Friday, January 25, 2008


In an effort to learn French without actually having to do anything, I have taken to leaving French-language newscasts on the TV while I'm doing other things. It's my osmosis version of learning French.

It hasn't worked. Yet.

So anyone that has ever watched TV in another language knows that every now and again you'll hear an English word. "En avec la blah blah blah Chicago Cubs la quelle blah blah..." You know what I'm talking about.

Since I've been doing my ghetto-FSL (French as a Second Language) news-learning, I've heard many English words and a lot of American names ("blah blah George Bush blah") but today I heard AND SAW the best one ever.

The sitch (that's the short way of saying situation)-
Chilling out on the couch, lamenting the state of the world. There was an odd report on the TV that caught my attention because of the upturned cars and burning skyline of some war-torn city.

As I'm watching, remember the images are of upside-down, burning cars and hundreds of people running through the streets in some faraway country, the voice over says, (with my own version of made up French jibberish) "Et la je ne bah le blah blah PEPSI COLA. Je ne pas le blah blah blah CONDOLEEZZA RICE blah blah blah."

Fade to black.

What do Condi and Pepsi have to do with Uganda or Gaza or wherever that was? The world will never know. Well the English-speaking world will never know.

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