Tuesday, November 6, 2007

The trip.

So I've been home now for almost 24 hours, had 4 slices of pizza, drank 1 glass containing 4 shots of espresso with 6 ice cubes, redeemed 9 free songs on iTunes, and studied for 1 math test tomorrow. Numbers are beautiful aren't they?

The trip was many things, both awesome and sad. I will now give you my top and bottom things from my weekend (+ Monday) trip back to my hometown, the city of Chicago.

First the good things:

-I had the grand fortune to be with my sister on her birthday and at a time when she needed me. I love her dearly.

-My dog is still fat. This is good because she's so cute.

-I cooked for everyone for my sister's birthday and either everyone really liked it or they are good liars.

-My niece Nola is the most adorable baby imaginable. She weakens all around her to the most dribbling baby talk and games of peek-a-boo, and we are all more than happy to oblige.

-Time magazine.

And now onto the bad things:

-My brother is still skinner than me. And what's worse, he's pretty much lapping me with that. Yeah, it's cool though. It's nothing new.

-Leaving everyone sucks. It's sad, but I am blessed with a family and friends that understand that I'm following my heart and dreams in Montreal.

-Kathryn wasn't there. Everyone was bummed about that.

-I'm a jackass and deleted all of my music off my hard drive. Oh the difference between Ctrl-C and Ctrl-X.

-I had the grand misfortune of sitting one row in front of the single most annoying person in the history of the universe on the way to Chicago. Honestly he gave his friend sitting next to him as well as the rest of the fuselage a play-by-play of his boring existence. He was literally louder and more annoying than the jet engines of the Embraer ERJ 145 we were on. I hope wherever he is, he is miserable.

-Tim :


There are many more great things about going home. But now it's time to buckle down and get my skoolin dunn. There was one more thing about my trip that I don't know can be classified as good or bad. Unfortunately it will have to wait until tomorrow when I can get a picture of it.

'Till then...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm not sure that pumpkin is quite orange enough! Thanks so much Bebo for EVERYTHING! I am so lucky to have you for my baby brother! Having you in Chicago is the greatest birthday gift any 30 year old could hope to have. I love you dearly and can't wait to see you soon. Keep your head up and follow your dreams. And Kat, I love you like a sister. Thanks for putting up with Bebo! I can't wait to see you both again!